Published hace 2 años • 2 minute read

Are Crypto Exchange Listings Helpful?

New coin listing on exchanges gives these currencies a chance to increase their popularity, liquidity, and market coverage. It is most profitable to list a new currency on tier 1 crypto exchanges, which are often centralized. While on decentralized exchanges the token listing is automatic and does not require you to invest a lot, a crypto exchange listing with a centralized system requires you to invest a lot more resources.

Crypto Listing Agency

In the past, when the cryptocurrency business was not so widespread, it was much easier to start your own business. In addition, the small number of competitors and the large number of new opportunities made this job a lot easier. Today, however, things are different and it has become more difficult to take your place in this industry.

The more the industry develops, the more branches it has. So, to simplify the process of introducing new currencies and their promotion in exchanges, businessmen began to seek help from a Crypto agency. These services enable even the smallest projects to get into the new crypto listings on exchanges. 

The Problem With New Crypto Listings

Crypto listing on large exchanges can be a real problem for a small business at the beginning of its journey. They have a high entry threshold, and the number of resources needed for cooperation is not worth mentioning. That's why a listing agency will not be able to bring your currency to the top right away. But thanks to this you will have the opportunity to probe all the nuances of this business and to accumulate strength and funds for further promotion.

But this does not negate the merit of agencies in listing tokens and promoting them. After all, thanks to their reputation and connections, the initial stages of crypto exchange listings will go much faster and at a lower cost than if you were doing it yourself. Listing agencies also help the currency to increase recognition and expand the circle of interested customers.


Crypto listing with the help of agencies is a great opportunity to actively develop your business from the very beginning. This will give your currency a significant advantage among competitors and allow you to move to more well-known exchanges times faster. 

However, this help does not negate some of the difficulties along the way. You will still have to put enough effort and time into developing your currency.


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