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지원 암호화폐 (7)
UPDATE 29 November 2020: This company is closing down and their card closes with them. They announced this through the following message on their site:
To find an active crypto debit card that you can use today, please visit our Crypto Debit Card List to see what options there are.
ANXPRO Card Review
A common argument for regular money (also known as fiat currency) as opposed to cryptocurrency is that you can’t use cryptocurrency to buy groceries and other everyday items. Well, through the use of a cryptocurrency debit card, you can. This is a review of ANXPRO Card, one of the crypto debit cards out there.
General information
ANXPRO Card supports the following cryptos: BTC, LTC, XRP, DOGE, ETH, OAX, GNT and START (we assume that the card supports the same cryptos as the exchange platform does, and we have not found any information to the contrary). The card will most likely support even more cryptos in the future.
With respect to fiat currencies, ANXPRO Card supports EUR and USD.
ANXPRO Card is a VISA-card, meaning that you can use the card at any point of payment that accepts VISA. This is of course a great advantage, seeing that VISA is the most widely accepted card in the world (alongside MasterCard).
US-investors may not use this card. So if you’re from the US and you’re looking for a crypto debit card, please refer to our Crypto Debit Card List to find one for you.
Picture of Card
ANXPRO Card Fees
This card has quite hefty fees. A consumer should definitely consider whether this card is really the perfect card for the consumer in any other respect, so that it outweighs the disadvantage of the card fees.
There is no monthly fee. However, there is an issuance fee set to USD 4.99. This is also fine, no worries yet.
ATM-usage results in a fixed fee of USD 2.99. This fee is not particularly bad either.
However, as you know, the most important fee of them all is the commission on spending. ANXPRO Card sets you back 5.00%. This means that if you buy a computer for USD 2,000, this will reduce your crypto assets with USD 2,100. This is how ANXPRO can offer no monthly fees and low issuance and AMT-fees…
Finally, there is no maximum deposit. This is of course advantageous for any consumer interested in placing high capital volumes in a cryptocurrency debit card.
Concluding remarks
Finally, if this is the card for you, congrats.
If not, you can also check out one of the other cards in our crypto debit card list. Good luck!