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1World Coin


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Learn more about 1World Coin.

When investing in virtual currency, you need to do your research. We provide you with reviews of each world top cryptocurrency out there, so that you can find the best crypto coins to invest in for you. This review of 1World Coin consists of three chapters: origin, technology and pros & cons.

Since the inception of the cryptocurrency, there have been many additions to the family; each fighting in the stock market to become the world’s top cryptocurrency. 1World is a block-chain empowered currency introduced for publishers, brands and buyers.

1World is the brainchild of Alex Fedosseev, who conceived it in 2011.

1World has grown up to be an innovative and user-attractive cryptocurrency. It engages publishers and brands, equally. The symbol given to this currency is 1WO.

1World engages the consumers through online polls, surveys, quizzes, debates, etc. Moreover, they run ads and collect commercial data. This way, the consumers and brands hear the voice of the public.

1World claims to have attained a total “win-win-win industry triangle” satisfying readers, publishers and advertisers, altogether. The publisher aims to better judge and analyze the customers’ requirements by different types of paid monetization experiences (polls, quizzes, etc.). The customer can then use the 1WO tokens (earned) to unlock other privileges offered. They refine the services to suit the user’s needs. In that way, they achieve a better promotion and user engagement.

  • Termed as a total “win-win-win” model for users and brands
  • More than 2,500 registered partners with giants like Google and Amazon, included
  • Discounted pre-sale was offered to customers
  • Tokens can be redeemed for multiple new options
  • No surcharge or hidden fees, allegedly making it one of the best crypto coins to invest in
  • There is a user dependence on publishers for ads
  • Smart contract limitations


If you have concluded that this is the coin for you, congratulations! Buy 1World Coin here.

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