Learn more about Aave.
One of the writers in our team will prepare a detailed review of Aave in due course. Stay tuned!
On Thursday, Aave Labs announced via X that Umbrella is coming soon to the Aave blockchain.
On Monday, Aave Labs announced via X that Aave V3 is now live on the Celo blockchain.
On Wednesday, Aave Labs announced via X that EURC, Circle's Euro stablecoin, is now on Aave's Base market.
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See all exchangesSo you've made a little Aave and now you want to spend it? These are the places to do it!
See all merchantsFind the wallet that suit your security, ease of use and anonymity needs for Aave.
See all walletsLearn more about Aave.
One of the writers in our team will prepare a detailed review of Aave in due course. Stay tuned!