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API3 Token


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Infura Becomes an API3 Oracle Node

Infura Becomes an API3 Oracle Node

On Thursday, the AP13 team announced via X that Infura has joined API3’s expanding network of first-party oracle nodes.

 Hassan Maishera
API3 Welcomes Stout to its Ecosystem

API3 Welcomes Stout to its Ecosystem

On Tuesday, the API3 team announced via X that Stout is now part of the API3 ecosystem.

 Hassan Maishera
The ysUSDC/USDC Exchange Rate Launches on the API3 Market

The ysUSDC/USDC Exchange Rate Launches on the API3 Market

On Thursday, the API3 team announced via X that the ysUSDC/USDC Exchange Rate is now available on the API3 Market.

 Hassan Maishera


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