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Ardor Coin


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3.77 based on 225 votes


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Pita Barcelona Watches

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Learn more about Ardor Coin.

When investing in virtual currency, you need to do your research. We provide you with reviews of each world top cryptocurrency out there, so that you can find the best crypto coins to invest in for you. This is a review of Ardor Coin.

Ardor is a “blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS)”-platform Ardor’s particular function is to help companies create so called “child-chains”. Child-chains are blockchains with similar function to the main-chain (or parent-chain if you would like to call it that). For instance, child-chains normally have functions like voting and trading (just as its main chain). The first child-chain Ardor launched was IGNIS (receiving more than USD 15 million in its ICO).

The company that developed Ardor was Jelurida. Jelurida focuses on developing open-source blockchain platforms. The company’s first product was Nxt and Ardor is thought to be “Nxt 2.0”. Ardor launched its testnet year 2016 and ARDR tokens were then allocated pro rata to the holders of Nxt tokens.

Ardor and Nxt are quite similar. Ardor has a main upgrade in relation to Nxt, namely that it shares encrypted messages with outside parties. However, there are numerous similarities between Ardor and Nxt:

  • 40k data storage
  • Account properties
  • Phasing, with Ardor’s addition of +logic
  • Restricted tokens
  • Voting
  • Marketplace access
  • Coin shuffling anonymity
  • Parent/child architecture organization
  • Separation of security token from operational token
  • Transaction pruning

If you’re an avid cryptocurrency technology expert you will see that the above seems quite similar to the Ethereum platform. That is true. Aside from that though, there is no other system with correspondent technical capabilities that Nxt and Ardor have. The Jelurida company even wrote a complete eBook about Ardor and the competition in the industry.

This program has no mining. The security of the child-chains come from the hierarchy established in the parent chain. All of the child chain tokens are entirely meant to be primarily of transactional value.

The 2017 year has been extremely helpful for Nxt, reaching a number of objectives set forth in the Technical Roadmap they provided.

With the launch of Ardor openly accessible in the first quarter of 2017, there have been many updates and new releases. In November 2017 alone, the brand added asset control and compound phasing, which took them to totally new genesis block.

In the future, third party developers will even be able to create their own child-chains.


If you have concluded that this is the coin for you, congratulations! Buy Ardor Coin here.

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