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Bounty0x Coin


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KuCoin Futures

3.3 based on 114 votes

3.15 based on 428 votes


4.22 based on 274 votes


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4.17 based on 65 votes


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Trezor Wallet

4.01 based on 169 votes

Ledger Nano S

3.79 based on 190 votes


Learn more about Bounty0x Coin.

When investing in virtual currency, you need to do your research. We provide you with reviews of each world top cryptocurrency out there, so that you can find the best crypto coins to invest in for you. This review of Bounty0x Coin consists of three chapters: origin, technology and pros & cons.

Bounty campaigns are highly centralized these days making them susceptible to fraud and inefficient. Bounty0x solves these issues as it is a decentralized bounty hunting platform that enables anyone to manage bounty programs. Also, the platform helps the bounty hunters to receive their payment after completing their bounty tasks. It has a working platform, existing user base and a team with a track record of delivering projects.

Bounty0x is a decentralized bounty hunting system. It has a staking and token consuming based audit system for entries driven by blockchain technology. The Bounty0x Coin (BTNY) is a tradable token that will create a platform. On this platform, bounty hunters will have the capacity to get payments in tokens in return for finishing bounty tasks.

Bounty0x gives answers for online marketing, software advancement, counseling, and research. It addresses the issue of advertisement blindness, by outfitting influencer marketing. The platform gives a productive method to developers to distinguish bugs in their code. They do so by making the review accessible and just paying when you find real mistakes.

Furthermore, this remarkable platform gives a proficient method to survey tasks, handle the payments, give singular help when required, and catch a bigger marketing audience. There are numerous platforms for freelancers. However, Bounty0x is the first intended for bounties specifically built for bounty management alone.

  • Bounty0x smart contract staking systems distinguishes it from other similar platforms. You will have to stake BountyOx tokens you can put up your bounty tasks on the platform. These tokens from the host are safe in smart contract and will only be provided upon copmletion of a bounty task. The third party authenticator or ‘Sheriff’ will ensure that the hunter receives the payment when the task is complete.
  • The team behind the project is dedicated and keeps posting the updates which shows their seriousness and dedication towards this unique project.

We have not identified any obvious cons with the Bounty0x Coin.


If you have concluded that this is the coin for you, congratulations! Buy Bounty0x Coin here.

Good luck!

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