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Learn more about Cortex.

When investing in virtual currency, you need to do your research. We provide you with reviews of each world top cryptocurrency out there, so that you can find the best crypto coins to invest in for you. This is a review of Cortex Coin.

Cortex is a decentralized and independent AI system using the blockchain technology. The objective of Cortex is to provide modern machine-learning models. Users can create these models via smart contracts found on the Cortex blockchain.

Cortex also has a machine-learning platform that allows the users to post tasks on the platform and submit artificial intelligence decentralized applications (AI dapps).

Ziqi Chen: CEO of Cortex. Ziqi Chen has a Master of Science in both civil engineering and machine learning. He is also a co-founder of

Weiyang Wang: The CTO Weiyang Wang has a Master of Science in Statistics. He is a certified financial risk manager with experience and interest in cryptography and deep learning.

Yang Yang: This is the blockchain chief engineer and the other co-founder of He has a Master of Science in computer science and solid experience within the areas of blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Xiao Yan: Chief deep learning engineer. Xiao Yan is a Ph.D. candidate, quantum computing researcher, and blockchain researcher.

Amy Chen: Operating Officer. Also has a Master of Science in electrical engineering and organized part of Eco-Mobility World Festival 2017.

Wentao Tian: Senior AI and blockchain engineer, also with a Master of Science in computer science. He is a specialist in corroboration learning, and has experience with disseminated systems and quantitative trading algorithms.

Through featuring AI smart contracts within its Cortex blockchain, the platform makes it possible for any developer to exploit Cortex to add artificial intelligence to smart contracts. Moreover, this can noticeably expand the potential for smart contracts and associated projects on the blockchain. The capability to use AI will make it possible for the smart contracts to autonomously respond to external signals.

Cortex also has an incentive system to encourage cooperative collaboration. Finally, anyone can submit models in Cortex and optimize existing models. Those who contribute to models also receive rewards.


If you have concluded that this is the coin for you, congratulations! Buy Cortex Coin here.

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