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Holonym Foundation Completes Acquisition of Gitcoin Passport To Create World’s Largest Proof of Humanity Solution

Holonym Foundation Completes Acquisition of Gitcoin Passport To Create World’s Largest Proof of Humanity Solution

Holonym Foundation has completed the acquisition of Gitcoin Passport in a bid to create the world’s largest Proof of Humanity solution.

 Hassan Maishera
Polychain Capital and Borderless Capital Lead OpenLedger’s $8M Seed Round

Polychain Capital and Borderless Capital Lead OpenLedger’s $8M Seed Round

OpenLedger has raised $8 million in a seed funding round led by Polychain Capital and Borderless Capital ahead of its testnet launch this year.

 Nikolas Sargeant
Fantom Submits A New Governance Proposal

Fantom Submits A New Governance Proposal

The Fantom Foundation informed its community members via Twitter that it has submitted a new proposal that seeks to redirect all tokens in the Fantom Ecosystem Vault toward a Gitcoin Grants program.

 Hassan Maishera


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We will try to publish a brief review of Gitcoin in the near future, as soon as one of our writers becomes available.