
All the latest news about Green Metaverse Token

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Casio Teams Up with STEPN GO for Limited Edition NFT Sneakers

Casio Teams Up with STEPN GO for Limited Edition NFT Sneakers

800 digital sneakers inspired by G-SHOCK watches to be released through raffle event.

 Nikolas Sargeant
STEPN Announces a Partnership with Adidas

STEPN Announces a Partnership with Adidas

The Stepn team announced via X on Monday that it has partnered with Adidas and ALTS By Adidas.

 Hassan Maishera
STEPN Integrates Apple Music

STEPN Integrates Apple Music

The Stepn team announced via Twitter on Monday that it has integrated Apple Music into its ecosystem.

 Hassan Maishera


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We will try to publish a brief review of Green Metaverse Token in the near future, as soon as one of our writers becomes available.