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Learn more about HEROcoin.

When investing in virtual currency, you need to do your research. We provide you with reviews of each world top cryptocurrency out there, so that you can find the best crypto coins to invest in for you. This is a review of HEROcoin.

Herocoin started out in 2014 with the name SocialBet, mainly as a peer-to-peer betting platform for sport events. They changed name to herosphere.gg in 2016, and ultimately rebranded to Herocoin before their ICO took place in October 2017. Their mission is to create a more fair, decentralized betting environment for eSports betting and SportsBook betting. Today’s market is dominated by corporations that have very low transparency, trust and security. Thus, payouts, odds and market data on the games are completely controlled by the betting companies.

The cryptocurrency angle for Herocoin, aims to introduce virtually anyone to join or create betting games. Therefore, this ecosystem consists of players and makers where virtually anyone can take part in any game. The entire community gets to reap the rake rewards generated from each successfully launched game. The amount is determined on your total HEROcoin holdings. Also, the game creators receive significant supplier rewards. Subsequently the classic proverbial “the house always wins” will slowly fade out as this decentralized system will grow bigger.

As the company behind the solution already had a lot of community traction prior to the ICO, the project seemed like a good fit from the get-go. The case for incorporating a new technology onto an existing business and community is very appealing. So, with defined revenue streams, business model and token dividends, we deem this project as a good fit for the market. The only clear negative aspect of the project is that the market they are moving towards becomes increasingly competitive, and will continue to do so over the coming years.


Finally, if you have concluded that this is the coin for you, congratulations! Buy HEROcoin here.

Good luck!

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