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Warriors Score Big: Coinbase Partnership Marks Crypto's Sports Comeback

Warriors Score Big: Coinbase Partnership Marks Crypto's Sports Comeback

The NBA champions forge new crypto alliance, bringing blockchain experiences to Chase Center fans.

 Nikolas Sargeant
Uniswap Enables Crypto Purchases Through Robinhood Connect

Uniswap Enables Crypto Purchases Through Robinhood Connect

Uniswap now integrates Robinhood Connect, enabling US users to buy cryptocurrencies through the mobile app using Robinhood account funds, debit cards, or bank transfers.

 Nikolas Sargeant
The Sandbox Partners With Original Stormtrooper

The Sandbox Partners With Original Stormtrooper

The Sandbox announced via X (formerly Twitter) on Friday that it has partnered with Shepperton Design Studios’ Original Stormtrooper.

 Hassan Maishera


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4.35 based on 4612 votes

4.22 based on 23 votes

ChangeNOW Exchange

4.21 based on 33 votes


Want to leave your cash at home? These cards support Icon.

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3.46 based on 789 votes


3.27 based on 146 votes


3.1 based on 218 votes


So you've made a little Icon and now you want to spend it? These are the places to do it!

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Pita Barcelona Watches

4.25 based on 20 votes


4.19 based on 68 votes

4.11 based on 18 votes


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Ledger Nano X

3.88 based on 56 votes

Ledger Nano S

3.79 based on 195 votes

Bread Wallet

3.68 based on 41 votes


Learn more about Icon.

Based in South Korea, ICON is an enterprise-focused smart contract platform with goals to “hyperconnect the world” through blockchain technology. ICON sees a world where the exchange of money and value is not limited by the boundaries of industries and countries.

ICON operates as a decentralized ecosystem, where there is no single authority of power. ICON also believes that communities today are too separated, often relying on centralized organizations to facilitate communication and the exchange of value. This is where ICON hopes to make a difference, by connecting companies across industries and borders.

Similar to Ethereum, the ICON platform supports decentralized applications. There are already operating Dapps on ICON such as blockchain secured IDs, decentralized exchanges, and interchain communicators. ICON boasts communities comprised of reputable institutions, including banks, hospitals, and universities, that can communicate and transact through smart contracts.

The ICON network will introduce features such as real-time Consensus Algorithm, Smart Contracts, Decentralized Exchanges and Light Client. These technologies also build on ICON’s proprietary blockchain engine platform called ‘Loopchain’.

Loopchain contains a feature called SCORE, which is a smart contract platform. Using SCORE, users can create a variety of decentralized applications. ICON will also implement ‘DAVinCI’, a trusted Artificial Intelligence solution, into their platform. Other features of ICON include consensus algorithm ‘LFT’, Multi-Channel transactions and – additionally – customizable modules.