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Iconomi Coin


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3.77 based on 225 votes

OKX Exchange

3.32 based on 154 votes

Tux Exchange

4.5 based on 4 votes


Want to leave your cash at home? These cards support Iconomi Coin.

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Uquid Card

2.86 based on 259 votes


So you've made a little Iconomi Coin and now you want to spend it? These are the places to do it!

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4.19 based on 67 votes


Find the wallet that suit your security, ease of use and anonymity needs for Iconomi Coin.

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Ledger Nano S

3.79 based on 194 votes

Bread Wallet

3.65 based on 40 votes

Jaxx Liberty Wallet

3.56 based on 16 votes


Learn more about Iconomi Coin.

Iconomi is a digital asset management platform aimed towards helping investors get exposure to a wider range of investments. Currently, Iconomi acts as a marketplace for digital assets and simplifies the discovery of new coins for investors.

Iconomi makes it easy for investors to use their platform. A user simply needs to sign up and deposit assets into their Iconomi account. Then, users will be exposed to a series of Digital Asset Arrays, the key to Iconomi’s system.

Digital Asset Arrays (DAA) are essentially the index funds or ETFs of Iconomi. Each DAA could include various combinations of digital assets on the market today. They are easily customizable to match the needs of the user. Some may provide extreme exposure to volatility, whereas others are much more diversified to increase price stability.

Digital Asset Arrays can be created by anyone participating on the platform. The owner can then promote their DAA and allow others to invest in them. Some DAAs can charge fees or have profit sharing for the owner.

Iconomi focuses on providing great liquidity for all its DAAs. All investments can be withdrawn almost immediately and there are no lock-ins. With all transactions being completely transparent, the platform promises no hidden fees to gain the trust of users.

The value of the Iconomi token is quite unclear to many. The initial whitepaper suggests that the token represents a share in the platform’s earnings, with holders receiving a portion of the fees collected on Iconomi’s platform. Others have suggested that the token will just be used to pay for fees on the platform.