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Ink Protocol Token


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4.17 based on 282 votes

Pangolin Exchange

4 based on 13 votes


3.88 based on 25 votes


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4.19 based on 67 votes


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Ledger Nano S

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Learn more about Ink Protocol Token.

When investing in virtual currency, you need to do your research. We provide you with reviews of each world top cryptocurrency out there, so that you can find the best crypto coins to invest in for you. This review of Ink Protocol Token consists of three chapters: origin, technology and pros & cons.

This is a new cryptocurrency that aims to introduce a decentralized payment and reputation system. It seeks to increase trust between buyers and sellers based on the reputation they have built over other platforms. Ink Protocol Token was developed by Listia as a marketplace for selling and buying second-hand goods online. It launched in 2009 but has more than 10 million users who have traded over 100 million goods.

Ink Protocol is a reputation system founded on Ethereum platform. It is designed for peer-to-peer transactions where trust between the seller and buyer is non-existent or limited. Sellers can import their previous reputation to the relevant marketplaces. Buyers can view the reputation of sellers and decide whether they are going to purchase an item or not.

  • It makes use of a decentralized network with a feedback and review system.
  • The reviews not only work for the advantage of the sellers but the P2P marketplace as well giving more room for the third party vendors to join the system.
  • The final roadmap for the project is still not released and this makes the public a little concerned.
  • Moreover, there are indications that Listia is not a growing business and we are not too sure how the XNK token will go to benefit the network.

For the time being it does look like a cordial alternative but we are not actually sure on how well it will fare in the long haul.


If you have concluded that this is the coin for you, congratulations! Buy Ink Protocol Token here.

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