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3.77 based on 225 votes


3.68 based on 124 votes


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4.17 based on 65 votes


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Ledger Nano S

3.77 based on 191 votes

CryptX Wallet

3.63 based on 27 votes

Bread Wallet

3.62 based on 39 votes


Learn more about Nebulas.

When investing in virtual currency, you need to do your research. We provide you with reviews of each world top cryptocurrency out there, so that you can find the best crypto coins to invest in for you. This is a review of Nebulas.

Nebulas Rank is the core ranking algorithm used to rank addresses, smart contracts, DApps, and other entities on the blockchain. The algorithm is based on liquidity, propagation of users’ assets, and the interactivity between users.

Through Nebulas, users of blockchains will be able to find more relevant and high-value data (including information, assets, smart contracts, DApps, etc.). NAS is an ERC-20 token, but will be converted to its own coin following its mainnet launch.

The blockchain uses a PoD (Proof-of-Devotion) consensus algorithm.  PoD gives an “influential” user on the blockchain an opportunity to become a bookkeeper and receive block rewards and transaction fees as revenue.

In order to support the PoD consensus process, the blockchain may generate additional NAS. Presently, Nebulas expects to generate additional NAS on an annual basis beginning at the end of 2019 at a rate of 3% of total NAS supply for PoD nodes.

Nebulas sees the Nebulas Rank as an essential tool and the starting point for many users to explore the world of blockchains. With the power of information indexes and search, as well as combining Google’s business model, Nebulas hopes to open up unprecedented business potential.


Finally, if you have concluded that this is the coin for you, congratulations! Buy Metronome here.

Good luck!

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