
All the latest news about PancakeSwap Token

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Pancakeswap’s CAKE Deflation Hits 339k Last Week

Pancakeswap’s CAKE Deflation Hits 339k Last Week

On Monday, the Pancakeswap team told its community via X that it had a deflation of 339k CAKE (-0.12% of CAKE Supply).

 Hassan Maishera
Pancakeswap Burns 9,312,014 CAKE Tokens this Week

Pancakeswap Burns 9,312,014 CAKE Tokens this Week

On Monday, the Pancakeswap team told its community via X that it had burned 9,312,014 CAKE tokens (worth $23 million) this week.

 Hassan Maishera
PancakeSwap MEV Guard Now Supports More Wallets on the BNB Chain

PancakeSwap MEV Guard Now Supports More Wallets on the BNB Chain

On Thursday, the PancakeSwap team announced via a blog post that PancakeSwap expanded wallet support to include the highly popular Binance Wallet, Trust Wallet, OKX Wallet, and Rabby Wallet.

 Hassan Maishera


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4.35 based on 4612 votes

4.22 based on 23 votes

ChangeNOW Exchange

4.21 based on 33 votes


Want to leave your cash at home? These cards support PancakeSwap Token.

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3.27 based on 146 votes


So you've made a little PancakeSwap Token and now you want to spend it? These are the places to do it!

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4.58 based on 12 votes


Find the wallet that suit your security, ease of use and anonymity needs for PancakeSwap Token.

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3.68 based on 59 votes

SimpleHold Wallet

3.96 based on 24 votes

Infinity Wallet

3.89 based on 37 votes


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