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ChangeNOW Exchange

4.21 based on 33 votes


4.1 based on 2422 votes


3.88 based on 1126 votes


Want to leave your cash at home? These cards support PIVX Coin.

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Uquid Card

2.88 based on 262 votes


So you've made a little PIVX Coin and now you want to spend it? These are the places to do it!

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Pita Barcelona Watches

4.25 based on 20 votes


4.19 based on 68 votes


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Ledger Nano X

3.88 based on 56 votes

Ledger Nano S

3.79 based on 195 votes

CoinPayments Wallet

3.82 based on 44 votes


Learn more about PIVX Coin.

When investing in virtual currency, you need to do your research. We provide you with reviews of each world top cryptocurrency out there, so that you can find the best crypto coins to invest in for you. This is a review of PIVX Coin.

In January, 2016, thanks to two co-founders, PIVX was born. PIVX stands for Private Instant Verified Transaction (X for Transaction). The two co-founders are notorious throughout the PIVX community through their online identities “s3v3n h4cks” and “Coin Server.”

The proposal behind PIVX was to generate a decentralized, open source, privacy focused cryptocurrency with instant transaction timeframe. This was possible thanks to the hard working developers responsible for this currency. The transaction times, although not “immediate”, are pretty much the quickest we have seen amongst all other cryptocurrencies.

PIVX is already one of the safest currencies in the crypto work. Presently, there is a lot of work being completed to execute ZEROCOIN protocol into the coin. It means that true financial privacy is right around the corner for this coin.

The developer team is very helpful to its community. They are constantly giving updates to the community members about the direction in which they are heading. Because of their enormous concentration on the PIVX community, numerous implementations and ideas becomes subject of voting amongst the members.

PIVX is still considered to be a comparatively new cryptocurrency, but it is slowly and steadily gaining in market capitalization. The circulating supply of PIVX Coins, at the time of writing this review, is 56,781,166 PIVX. The market cap is (also at the time of writing this review) approx. USD 67 million. The 24 hour volume is roughly USD 2 million – USD 3 million.


If you have concluded that this is the coin for you, congratulations! Buy PIVX Coin here.

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