
All the latest news about Polygon Token

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Lido to Discontinue its Services on Polygon

Lido to Discontinue its Services on Polygon

On Monday, the Lido Finance team announced via a blog post that over the coming months, Lido on Polygon will be effectively discontinued.

 Hassan Maishera
The Ahmedabad Upgrade Is Live on Polygon Mainnet

The Ahmedabad Upgrade Is Live on Polygon Mainnet

On Thursday, the Polygon Foundation announced in a blog post that the Ahmedabad upgrade has gone live on the Polygon PoS mainnet.

 Hassan Maishera
Top 3 Liquid Staking and Restaking Projects to Keep an Eye On

Top 3 Liquid Staking and Restaking Projects to Keep an Eye On

Lido, Kelp DAO, and EtherFi are the leading liquid staking platforms, allowing users to get started even with little technical understanding of the DeFi realm.

 Nikolas Sargeant


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4.35 based on 4612 votes


4.3 based on 2469 votes


4.02 based on 992 votes


Want to leave your cash at home? These cards support Polygon Token.

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Volet Card

3.94 based on 47 votes Visa Card

3.46 based on 789 votes


3.27 based on 146 votes


So you've made a little Polygon Token and now you want to spend it? These are the places to do it!

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4.58 based on 12 votes


4.41 based on 22 votes

4.11 based on 18 votes


Find the wallet that suit your security, ease of use and anonymity needs for Polygon Token.

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3.68 based on 59 votes

Trustee Wallet

3.46 based on 65 votes

Nexo Wallet

3.41 based on 39 votes


Learn more about Polygon Token.

Matic Network is rebranding as Polygon. The networks focuses on addressing the scalability concerns, slow block confirmations and the high gas fees. One of the approaches is by improving the user experience to simplify interactions in the decentralized world.  

The network addresses these setbacks by using an adapted version of the Plasma framework for building the decentralized platform. The adapted framework offers faster and low-cost transactions while retaining the finality on the main chain.