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Status Token


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4.22 based on 23 votes

ChangeNOW Exchange

4.21 based on 33 votes


4.1 based on 2422 votes


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3.27 based on 146 votes

Uquid Card

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4.19 based on 68 votes


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Ledger Nano S

3.79 based on 195 votes

CryptX Wallet

3.77 based on 30 votes

FLX Wallet

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Learn more about Status Token.

When investing in virtual currency, you need to do your research. We provide you with reviews of each world top cryptocurrency out there, so that you can find the best crypto coins to invest in for you. This review of Status Token consists of three chapters: origin & background, technology and pros & cons.

Status combines a messenger and a browser, to build a gateway for everyday smartphone users to begin using DApps, and a simple way for DApp developers to reach new users.

The main focus of Status is actually to offer the following:
– Privacy-focused chat messaging between Status users
– Secure payments
– An integrated wallet for cryptocurrency fund storage
– A store for decentralized applications, with functionalities similar to Android’s Google Play Store and Apple’s AppStore
– Stickers in messenger app to drive user engagement on the platform
– Browsing pages built inside Status by the users

The Status Network Token (SNT) is using it to access feature on their platform too. Also, SNT is required actively by Stakeholders as well. Again, to select and receive push notifications too. Again, if there is a great number of investors willing to support.

– Stakeholder A, a casual user, wants to receive Push Notifications. And as well as, pays a micro transaction of SNT to do so too.
– Stakeholder B, an early adopter from Cuba, has been paying for Push Notifications. Adding to this, Google’s Firebase has just been blocked in this country. He seamlessly changes to a different provider from within Status too.
– Stakeholder C, a push notification provider, wants to generate SNT, so he participates in the market to offering his services.

Smarter private messaging

Again, Status is more than a messenger. Send payments and smart contracts to friends from within chats, and enjoy encrypted messaging by default. Also, using a peer-to-peer protocol that doesn’t rely on centralized servers too.

With Status your mobile device becomes a light client node on the Ethereum Network, enabling you to access Ethereum’s entire ecosystem from anywhere.


Finally, if you have concluded that this is the coin for you, congratulations! Buy Status Token here.

Good luck!

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