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Ubiq Coin


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4.4 based on 15 votes


4.08 based on 91 votes


3.86 based on 53 votes


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4.19 based on 68 votes


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Ledger Nano X

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Learn more about Ubiq Coin.

When investing in virtual currency, you need to do your research. We provide you with reviews of each world top cryptocurrency out there, so that you can find the best crypto coins to invest in for you. This is a review of Ubiq Coin.

Ubiq is a platform where developers can generate and execute blockchain applications with applications that use smart contracts. On the whole, Ubiq is a blockchain built on an enhanced version of the Ethereum codebase.

Moreover, this blockchain works like a large, worldwide distributed ledger and supercomputer. Developers can use the blockchain to generate decentralized and automated elucidations to thousands of tasks.

In order to access the Ubiq platform, you will need to download the Fusion Wallet. Also, you can access the platform through a command line interface accessible on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Both the desktop wallet and command line are accessible as a free download from UbiqSmart.com.

Furthermore, the team behind Ubiq is marketing their blockchain for project applications. They are dedicated to providing “the most stable, flexible, and bug-free platform accessible for the growth of enterprise applications.” The team has a profound background in blockchain technology and financial services.

Moreover, there’s a Ubiq Coin (UBQ) that has been increasing in value over the past few months. You can see most of the value statistics for the Ubiq Coin on the website. Presently, the Ubiq Coin has a market cap of around $74,876,492, or around 27,000 BTC. Ubiq’s economic policy involves block bounties that start at 8 and decrease by 1 yearly until they reach a minimum of 1 UBQ per block.

  • Algorithm: Dagger Hashimoto
  • Block Reward: 8 decreasing by 1 yearly until 1 UBQ per block
  • Block Target: 88 seconds
  • HTTP RPC server port: 8588
  • Websocket RPC server port: 8589
  • Network listening port: 30388
  • Network ID: 88
  • Chain ID: 8 (EIP 155 Replay Attack Protection compliant)
  • Reduced rewards for included Uncle blocks
  • Forked from the latest Geth 1.5 containing all the latest EIPs

To conclude, Ubiq’s platform offers numerous novelties over the Ethereum blockchain and other Ethereum forks. Hence, the UBQ currency has gained a plenty of ground over the past few months. It seems like it will stick around. Stay tuned for more information about Ubiq as the platform continues to roll out.


If you have concluded that this is the coin for you, congratulations! Buy Ubiq Coin here.

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