Published 5 years ago • 3 minute read

The Importance of Crypto Widgets

For crypto traders, a necessary part of a trading routine is monitoring trends. This is quite important due to the volatile nature of the market. Having a widget display live market details presents real value to the trader and website. A recent survey indicates that crypto users stay longer on websites with crypto widgets than those without them. Moreover, several factors determine a site’s bounce rate. For the crypto niche, widgets are just one of them.

On an exchange or crypto website, widgets sort the details of available assets based on defined parameters. These details are mainly sorted based on the market cap. It also involves key metrics such as:

  • The closing price
  • Total supply
  • Circulating supply
  • Trading volume
  • Percentage price change

All of these metrics must be available at a glance if traders are to receive a profit instead of a loss in the market. Therefore, the market cap is a fast way to gauge the value of a digital asset. Most digital asset websites present this detail by framing the average price value of the assets. Clear indices provided by a website are useful metrics to estimate the real valuation of a digital asset of interest. Market charts measure assets’ values on a variety of divisions, such as:

  • 24-hour volume
  • The circulating supply
  • Variations within 24 hours and more

An experienced trader understands that volume is an important metric in trading. The volume shows the amount of the coins traded in real time. From this, they can extrapolate the drifts and directions of a digital asset and adjust the trading actions as necessary.

Examples of Crypto Widgets

A prominent example of a website that uses widgets is CoinMarketCap. The website is the premier digital tracker for the value of more than a thousand digital assets. Operating out of New York, the platform has grown to be the most reliable source for comparing digital assets. CMC provides current and unbiased data on crypto assets with pinpoint accuracy. This is helpful to traders who can make decisions from this data.

In addition, you will find widgets on CMC like:

  • Live charts
  • Markets
  • Converter
  • Social platforms
  • A historical record of performance.

The Helpfulness of Crypto Widgets

Overall, you can use a Bitcoin widget in any of the following ways:

  1. Help visitors find information: Widgets organize information in rows and columns. They present this information in ways that are accessible and retrievable. The live coin charts, single coin widgets, and digital assets converters are examples of these helpful widgets. In addition, widgets are also adaptable to screen size. This ensures maximum value is offered to the trader.
  2. Track visitors’ engagement.
  3. Details to help other visitors learn about the site owner’s services.
  4. Display the latest news from external sources such as blogs.
  5. Links to helpful resources about a digital asset: An example of this type of widget is the “dominance widget”. It helps you determine at a glance how much of the market a digital asset dominates.

Without an iota of doubt, the crypto industry is another world on its own. The trade of digital assets is often painstaking and calculated. Thus, traders and investors must understand the importance of tracking the asset’s price, volume, and market cap. Crypto widgets present an efficient tool to ease trading and navigate a risky venture.



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