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Cryptos prises en charge (6)
UPDATE 18 November 2020: MercuriEx is closing down. They announced it through the following message to its users:
Accordingly, we have marked this exchange as dead in our database and moved it to our Exchange Graveyard.
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MercuriEx Review
MercuriEx is an exchange previously registered in the states (USA), launched in 2018. More specifically, it had its base in Wyoming. On 5 February 2020, however, the exchange was sold to SurfTheWeb Ltd based in the United Kingdom. There was a bit of concern regarding user funds prior to this transfer (as the platform went down without warning), but all user funds are reported to be safe.
The platform’s owner is a company called SurftheWeb. A “small team of professional software developers and veterans in the crypto space” started the platform. The aim was apparently to provide a “fast, secure, and streamlined user experience.”
US-investors are naturally also permitted to trade here. But, US-investors should do their own independent assessment of any problems arising from their residency or citizenship. In a worst-case scenario, they may be prohibited by state laws to trade wherever they want to.
On the date of writing this review (14 November 2019), CoinGecko reported that MercuriEx had no trading volume at all. Naturally, this info is quite worrying.
MercuriEx Trading View
Different exchanges have different trading views. And there is no “this overview is the best”-view. You should yourself determine which trading interface that suits you the best. What the views normally have in common is that they all show the order book or at least part of the order book, a price chart of the chosen crypto and order history. They normally also have buy and sell-boxes. Before you choose an exchange, try to have a look at the trading view so that you can see that it feels right to you. Unfortunately, for MercuriEx, we have not been able to obtain a trading view. The trading screen just keeps loading (see the picture below). This issue will hopefully be resolved soon.
MercuriEx Fees
MercuriEx Trading fees
This trading platform doesn’t charge different fees between takers and makers. Their fee model is instead something called a “flat fee model”. For investors who prefer to pick-up existing orders from the order book, this might be an nice trading fee model. The flat fee charged by MercuriEx is 0.20%. This fee is slightly below the industry average, which has for a long time arguably been 0.25%.
However, we currently see more and more exchanges moving to far lower trading fees. 0.10%-0.15% are the new industry averages.
MercuriEx Withdrawal fees
MercuriEx charges a withdrawal fee amounting to 0.0005 BTC when you withdraw BTC. This is around 40% lower than the industry average, as the industry average is 0.000812 BTC per BTC-withdrawal.
All in all, the fees here are competitive.
Deposit Methods
This trading venue does not accept any other deposit method than cryptos, so new crypto investors can’t actually trade here. If you don’t have any crypto but want to start trading at this exchange, you will first have to purchase cryptos from another exchange and then, as a second step, deposit them here. Luckily for you, you can use the Exchange Finder to find a crypto exchange accepting fiat deposits.