
Exchange Fees
Deposit Methods
Cryptos (15)
UPDATE 1 April 2021: Piexgo has closed down. We have however not seen any official announcement declaring why the platform has decided to discontinue its operations. The assumption is that it is due to business reasons.
Accordingly, we have marked this exchange as dead in our database and moved it to our Exchange Graveyard.
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Piexgo Review
Piexgo is an exchange from Singapore that launched in 2018. There are numerous other exchanges from Singapore. Singapore has really established themselves as one of Asia’s largest crypto hubs.
The trading volume at this platform is good, but not great. On the date of fírst writing this review (24 October 2019), CoinGecko reported that the 24 hour trading volume was USD 3.4 million. However, on the date of last updating this review (16 March 2020, right in the middle of the crisis with COVID-19), neither Coinmarketcap nor Coingecko had any information on the trading volume of Piexgo. This is worrying news and anyone interested in opening up an account with Piexgo should be aware of the trading volume.
Piexgo also has an OTC-desk. With an OTC-desk, you can execute larger trades with quick settlement. Trades that you for pricing reasons (also known as “slippage”) don’t want to execute on on the open market.
As its main advantages, the exchange lists that they have an advanced and customer-centric security system, top technical capabilities and an international asset management team. We are actually not sure what any of this really means to the users of the platform and it would be helpful if the exchange clarified that on its site.
This trading platform does not prohibit US-investors from trading, but US-investors should still do their own independent assessment of any problems arising from their residency or citizenship.
Piexgo Trading View
Different exchanges have different trading views. And there is no “this overview is the best”-view. You should yourself determine which trading view that suits you the best. What the views normally have in common is that they all show the order book or at least part of the order book, a price chart of the chosen crypto and order history. They normally also have buy and sell-boxes. Before you choose an exchange, try to have a look at the trading view so that you can see that it feels right to you. The below is a picture of the trading view at Piexgo:
Piexgo Fees
Piexgo Trading fees
The most important lesson to learn when it comes to picking the right platform is that you must always check the fees. Every trade occurs between two parties: the maker, whose order exists on the order book prior to the trade, and the taker, who places the order that matches (or “takes”) the maker’s order.
This exchange’s trading fees for takers are 0.15%. This fee is below the industry average, which is arguably around 0.25%. One of this exchange’s strong offerings is that the exchange also charges a very low fee for makers, namely 0.05%. This promotes the liquidity at the exchange and is a strong aspect for this platform.
Piexgo Withdrawal fees
Another fee to consider before choosing which exchange to trade at is the withdrawal fee. The withdrawal fee is usually fixed (regardless of the amount of cryptocurrency units withdrawn), and varies from cryptocurrency to cryptocurrency. We have not been able to find any info on this exchange’s withdrawal fees. This is potentially a risk for you as an investor (if you do not receive info on the fees anywhere, there is a higher risk that they are high). Accordingly, we urge you to make your own analysis of the withdrawal fees before depositing any funds here.
Deposit Methods
Piexgo does not accept any other deposit method than cryptos, so new investors are restricted from trading at Piexgo. If you are a new crypto investor and you wish to start trading here, you will have to purchase cryptos from another exchange first and then deposit them at this exchange.
To find an exchange where you can deposit fiat currency, just use our Exchange Finder and we’ll help you through it.