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SIGEN.pro Review
What is SIGEN.pro?
SIGEN.pro is an exchange apparently operated by a company called Lergen Style LLP, with a registered address in Scotland. The exchange's website however is mainly prepared in the Russian language (although many other language options are also available), so it seems reasonable to believe that at least some of the people working with the platform are from Mother Russia. The exchange launched in 2017 according to information on its website.
5 Different Cryptocurrencies
On the date of first writing this review (2 October 2020), the exchange offered trading in five different cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Prizm and Universal Money Instrument (UMI).
SIGEN.pro does not allow US-investors on its exchange. So if you’re from the US and would like to engage in crypto trading, you will have to look elsewhere. Luckily for you, if you go to the Exchange List and use our Exchange Filters, you can sort the exchanges based on whether or not they accept US-investors.
Mobile Support
Most crypto traders feel that desktop give the best conditions for their trading. The computer has a bigger screen, and on bigger screens, more of the crucial information that most traders base their trading decisions on can be viewed at the same time. The trading chart will also be easier to display. However, not all crypto investors require desktops for their trading. Some prefer to do their crypto trading via their mobile phone. If you are one of those traders, you’ll be happy to learn that the trading platform at SIGEN.pro is also available as a mobile app. You can download the app from both the AppStore and Google Play:
SIGEN.pro Fees
SIGEN.pro Trading fees
Every time you place an order, the exchange charges you a trading fee. The trading fee is normally a percentage of the value of the trade order. Many exchanges divide between takers and makers. Takers are the one who “take” an existing order from the order book. Makers are the ones who add orders to the order book, thereby making liquidity at the platform.
SIGEN.pro apparently charges no fees at all, meaning that the trading fees for both the takers and the makers is zero (0.00%). These taker fees (or non-fees) are incredibly rare, we know of only a dozen exchanges among our 600+ listed, that offer 0.00% trading fees.
SIGEN.pro Withdrawal fees
Another fee to consider before choosing which exchange to trade at is the withdrawal fee. The withdrawal fee is usually fixed (regardless of the amount of cryptocurrency units withdrawn), and varies from cryptocurrency to cryptocurrency. We currently see more and more changes that have started charging 0.0005 BTC per withdrawal. 0.0005 BTC is thus establishing itself as the new industry average.
SIGEN.pro charges 0.00085 BTC per BTC-withdrawal. This withdrawal fee is around 40% above industry average and thus not a very competitive fee.
SIGEN.pro Trading View
Different exchanges have different trading views. And there is no “this overview is the best”-view. You should yourself determine which trading view that suits you the best. What the views normally have in common is that they all show the order book or at least part of the order book, a price chart of the chosen crypto and order history. They normally also have buy and sell-boxes. Before you choose an exchange, try to have a look at the trading view so that you can see that it feels right to you. This is the purchase interface at SIGEN.pro:
This purchase interface is straight-forward and to the point, which makes it easily understandable for newer crypto investors. However, it might lack a few of the features that more experienced traders require. We'll let you decide for yourself.
Deposit Methods
SIGEN.pro does not accept any other deposit method than cryptos, so new investors are restricted from trading here. If you are a new crypto investor and you wish to start trading here, you will have to purchase cryptos from another exchange first and then deposit them at this exchange. But, to find an exchange where you can deposit fiat currency easy, just use our Exchange Filters and we’ll help you through it.