
Exchange Fees
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Cryptos (16)
StakeCube Review
What is StakeCube?
StakeCube is an exchange registered in Germany. It has been active since 2019.
StakeCube Advantages
As a few of its advantages, StakeCube mentions on its website that it is automated & managed, has “no requirements” and that it is community based. Under the item “no requirements”, the platform explains that it has a user friendly interface, that it is transparent and that it is secure. Naturally, UX, transparency and security are extremely important factors when choosing a trading platform.
27,000+ Users
According to information on the platform’s website on 7 October 2019, it has 27,000 users. This is quite impressive. The platform also supports 45 coins and have 11 team members working with the project.
This exchange does not explicitly state that US-investors are prohibited from trading. Accordingly, we do believe that US-investors can trade here.
StakeCube Coin
The platform also has its native token, the StakeCubeCoin (SCC). The SCC is a masternode coin. If you hold SCC Masternodes, you will receive certain advantages at the trading platform but also in other parts of the StakeCube ecosystem. Providing benefits to holders of a native exchange token is a quite common way for exchanges to incentivize their users to purchase the exchange tokens.
StakeCube Trading View
Different exchanges have different trading views. And there is no “this overview is the best”-view. You should yourself determine which trading view that suits you the best. What the views normally have in common is that they all show the order book or at least part of the order book, a price chart of the chosen cryptocurrency and order history. They normally also have buy and sell-boxes. Before you choose an exchange, try to have a look at the trading view so that you can ascertain that it feels right to you. On the date of writing this review (7 October 2019), we didn’t manage to obtain a picture of the trading view at Stakecube. We receive the following error message:
We’re sure this is just temporary and we will post a picture of the trading view at this platform as soon as we have been able to obtain it.
StakeCube Fees
StakeCube Trading fees
The exchange offers a flat trading fee of 0.10%. This means that both the taker, meaning the person who places the order that matches or “takes” an existing order, and the maker, the person placing the order that provides the liquidity in the market, pay the same fee: 0.10%. 0.10% is below industry average. Industry average is arguably around 0.25%.
The trading fees are thus a competitive advantage for StakeCube.
StakeCube Withdrawal fees
What about the withdrawal fees then? Withdrawal fees vary dependent upon which crypto asset you are withdrawing, but they are normally a fixed amout of the relevant crypto asset, and not percentage based as the trading fees. The industry average BTC-withdrawal fee is 0.00053 BTC according to Cryptowisser's empirical studies for Q3 2021.
Here, at StakeCube, you only pay the network fees, that miners are paid in order to confirm transactions on the relevant blockchain. The network fee varies dependent upon the network pressure at the time of the withdrawal. This is a very competitive withdrawal fee system.
Deposit Methods
This trading platform does not accept any other deposit method than deposits of cryptocurrencies. This means that new crypto investors can’t trade here. If you don’t have any crypto but still want to start trading at this exchange, you will first have to purchase cryptocurrencies from another exchange and then, as a second step, deposit them here. Use our Exchange Finder tool to find an exchange where you can use fiat currency (regular money) to purchase cryptocurrencies.