The Rock Trading

Exchange Fees
Deposit Methods
Cryptos (10)
UPDATE 21 February 2023: The Rock Tading has closed down its operations. They themselves refer to it as an "interruption of the operation of its platform". They announced this through the following message on their website:
Interruption of platform operations, Milan, 21 February 2023
The Rock Trading informs that it has been necessary to interrupt the operation of its platform as of today's date, due to difficulties encountered in liquidity management.
The company is conducting internal audits to identify the causes of the problem and evaluating the adoption of all appropriate or necessary initiatives to protect customers and other stakeholders.
Further updates on the measures undertaken will be provided shortly.
Please note: As of today, February 21, 2023, you can access your The Rock Trading account, in read-only mode, to consult your balance, the movement list and to download the relevant reports.
Accordingly, we have - pending further information - marked the platform as "dead" in our Exchange Graveyard.
To find a reliable exchange where you can start an account, just use our Exchange List and we'll help you find the right platform for you.
The Rock Trading Review
What is The Rock Trading?
The Rock Trading claims to be the oldest cryptocurrency exchange in the world and has provided Bitcoin trading since June 2011. It is currently based in Italy (previously Malta) and on the last date of updating this review (19 July 2019), it had 42,014 registered users according to information on its website.
US-investors may not trade here, so if you are a US-investor and want to trade here, you’ll have to reconsider your choice of trading venue and choose one of the other top crypto exchanges. Use our Exchange Finder here to find out which alternatives you have as US-investor.
The Rock Trading, Trading View
Different exchanges have different trading views. And there is no “this overview is the best”-view. You should yourself determine which trading view that suits you the best. What the views normally have in common is that they all show the order book or at least part of the order book, a price chart of the chosen cryptocurrency and order history. They normally also have buy and sell-boxes. Before you choose an exchange, try to have a look at the trading view so that you can ascertain that it feels right to you. The below is a picture of the trading view at The Rock Trading:
This platform also has something they call “the fastlane”, where you can purchase Bitcoin through a really simple interface. That interface looks like this:
The Rock Trading Fees
The Rock Trading Trading fees
This exchange’s fee model is something called a “flat fee model”. It offers a flat trading fee of 0.20%. The exchange does accordingly not distinguish between takers and makers, but charges them both 0.20%. For investors who prefer to pick-up existing orders from the order book, this might be an attractive trading fee model. It can be noted here that for some trading pairs, trading fees actually go down as low as to 0.02%.
0.20% is in line with industry average (global industry average is around 0.25%).
The Rock Trading Withdrawal fees
The Rock Trading also charges competitive withdrawal fees. You can withdraw with high priority, regular priority or by using CheckSig custody. The different withdrawal fee for each different method is listed below:
We have listed the cheapest of the methods as the withdrawal fee for The Rock Trading in our database. 0.0001 BTC per BTC-withdrawal is substantially below the global industry average.
Deposit Methods
This trading platform offers wire transfer as a deposit method, but you can’t deposit via credit card. Wire transfer deposits and withdrawals is only available to verified users.