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3.87 based on 70 votes

체인질리 (Changelly)

3.77 based on 554 votes

3.73 based on 26 votes


Want to leave your cash at home? These cards support Gulden.

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2.85 based on 257 votes


So you've made a little Gulden and now you want to spend it? These are the places to do it!

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Pita Barcelona Watches

4.38 based on 16 votes


4.17 based on 65 votes


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Ledger Nano S

3.79 based on 190 votes

Guarda Wallet

4 based on 86 votes


3.39 based on 127 votes


Learn more about Gulden.

Gulden is a Netherlands based cryptocurrency. The name comes from the German and Dutch term for “gold coin”.

10% of the cryptocurrency was premined for the founders. The cryptocurrency uses a combination of PoW and PoS, in which 80% of the mining rewards are given to the PoW miner, while 20% is given to the PoS “witness” who stakes their Gulden. Each block is generated every 2.5 minutes.

It started because Bitcoin was seen as too complicated to use for the common person in the Netherlands. Gulden aims to make things simpler and easy to use and understand. This is seen through their iOS and Android app which are very simplistic.

In addition, their app allows one to pay with Gulden at merchants that only accept Bitcoin by partnering with, which instantly converts Gulden to Bitcoin. Users don’t even need to know that this conversion happens when paying at merchants.

The founders also felt that Bitcoin’s transaction speeds were too slow. Gulden is supposedly able to process 40 transactions per second vs Bitcoin’s 7-8.

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