
All the latest news about WEMIX Token

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Chainlink Introduces Transporter: A Hyper-Secure Bridging App

Chainlink Introduces Transporter: A Hyper-Secure Bridging App

Chainlink announced via a blog post on Thursday that it has launched Transporter: A hyper-secure and intuitive app for bridging tokens and messages with complete peace of mind, powered by Chainlink CCIP.

 Hassan Maishera
Wemade Integrates Chainlink CCIP on WEMIX3.0 Mainnet

Wemade Integrates Chainlink CCIP on WEMIX3.0 Mainnet

Chainlink announced via X on Monday that, Wemade, one of South Korea's largest game developers, has integrated Chainlink CCIP on the WEMIX 3.0 mainnet.

 Hassan Maishera
South Korean Crypto Exchange Gdac Losses $13 Million In A Hack

South Korean Crypto Exchange Gdac Losses $13 Million In A Hack

South Korean crypto exchange Gdac has suffered a hack, losing $13 million to the hackers.

 Hassan Maishera


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