Published för 5 år sedan • 4 minute read

Companies Accepting Crypto as a Payment Method

Cryptocurrencies are now considered one of the more mainstream payment methods. For the most part, people are growing more accustomed to the idea that the payment methods don’t have to be traditional in order to be legit. It has a lot to do with the fact that they have been around for a while. Moreover, many misconceptions about them have now disappeared. The awareness about this technology has created a more welcoming atmosphere for the technology. It has also allowed the users to use their assets to pay for day to day expenses in some of the most famous and popular companies.  There are now many companies accepting crypto as a payment method.

This trend will likely continue to grow as the technology gets more attention and adoption levels rise.

Express VPN

Express VPN is the most popular virtual private network service that offers its services for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Microsoft Windows and is now accepting bitcoin. Amidst the many controversies around the privacy concerns on the internet and the continued breach of trust by these big tech companies, VPNs have become essential for anyone using the internet actively. This particular company is definitely a standout in the industry. It has really managed to establish itself as a go-to choice. For an essential company like this to accept payments in bitcoin is a huge deal for the cryptocurrency world. But it is also not surprising that the company that works specifically on anonymity and privacy wants to support a payment system that operates by the same principles.

VPNs encrypt web traffic and mask the IP address of the user, granting them privacy and security so they can rest assured that no company is collecting their information without their permission and they can’t ever use it against the user. VPN and crypto technology share a lot of principles and forms so their partnership makes sense. VPN might be the first company of this sort to embrace crypto but it will definitely not be the last. Cryptocurrency especially n the companies that operate exclusively online can gain a lot of new users by embracing cryptocurrencies and allowing them to become a regular payment method. ExpressVPN is definitely in favor of private asset transfers that grant the users security and privacy which is why they were among the first to embrace this payment method.


Forex is another field that has embraced crypto payments in full force. As both deal with assets and are frequently quite risky there are also a lot of similarities here. FXTM was one of the first companies to start accepting cryptos in the forex market. They offer an easy deposit process with bitcoin. It has helped many crypto users to get into forex.

Meanwhile, it has brought a new aspect to the forex trading industry. It has also made it even more profitable, accessible and diverse. FXTM has been around for almost 10 years and with so much experience in the field, the company was able to identify the potential for crypto payments early. Since then, they have embraced the crypto industry even more.

Starbucks – Another Company Accepting Crypto

Probably the least likely company on this list, the coffee shop that has the world’s most popular coffee with limitless options and has become the symbol of the coffee industry entirely, has now added the option to pay with crypto. With the other two examples, there is a clear connection between the companies that offer these services and what they do. Starbucks announcing their position on cryptos and allowing for the new payment methods was a clear sign for everyone. The sign said: crypto is more than just a temporary trend.

Starbucks is one of the most popular companies in the world. So when they took this step, it was a huge boost for the entire crypto industry. Once again, it is a proof that while misconceptions can’t vanish in a day, big companies see the potential in crypto.

Whole Foods

Another unlikely company on the list is Whole Foods, an upscale grocery store owned by Amazo. With the help of the startup Flexa, Whole Foods now accept bitcoin payments. This is one of the last places where one would look for real-life examples of tech innovation.

There are a lot of companies accepting crypto that are following the same steps and hoping to make the bitcoin users feel more welcome.

Cryptos have enough challenges from the regulatory bodies and authorities. They have also been held back from reaching their full potential and delivering their services to big groups of people, simply because they have been rejected by many companie. They have often been looked down on because of their unconventional ways. With companies accepting crypto like Express VPN and even Whole Foods, the people who have shied away from cryptos will have a chance to realize that actually there are many benefits to using this particular payment method. And also, that it is actually safe and dependable if you understand it yourself first.



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