Cat Exchange
Exchange Fees
Deposit Methods
Cryptos (45)
Cat Exchange Review
What is Cat Exchange?
Cat Exchange is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange that launched in August 2018.
We have not been able to find any information as to where Cat Exchange is headquartered or registered. Absence of information on where an exchange is from is not necessarily a red flag. But, historically, exchanges that have not clearly presented information on where it’s from and who the team members are have been overrepresented among cryptocurrency exchange scams.
Trading Volume
On the date of first writing this review, 28 June 2019, Cat Exchange was among the top 50 exchanges in the world in terms of 24-hour trading volume with the liquidity of USD 115.8 million. This was very impressive at the time, especially considering that the exchange had only been up and running for 10 months. More than 2 years since then, on the date of last updating this review (18 September 2021), the 24-hour trading volume was close to USD 306.7 million, which is a great improvement. On the same day, however, Binance held the top spot with a trading volume in excess of USD 22.3 billion.
To our understanding, Cat Exchange is also open to US-investors. At least there are not any specific prohibited jurisdictions listed in the exchange’s terms and conditions or user agreements. Any US-investors interested in trading here should in any event form their own opinion on any issues arising from their citizenship or residency.
This trading platform has clear information on the key team members running the platform. Such information is always helpful to have, seeing as scam exchanges rarely give it. Accordingly, it gives an extra level of comfort that the exchange does not have malicious intent. The COO is Cameron Kallhoff, the CMO is Aykut Aygun, the CTO is Yuanhang Zhou and the Business Manager is Valter D. Ribeiro.
Cat Exchange Trading View
Different exchanges have different trading views. And there is no “this overview is the best”-view. You should yourself determine which trading view that suits you the best. What the views normally have in common is that they all show the order book or at least part of the order book, a price chart of the chosen cryptocurrency and order history. They normally also have buy and sell-boxes. Before you choose an exchange, try to have a look at the trading view so that you can ascertain that it feels right to you.
There are two versions of the trading view at Cat Exchange: basic & advanced. The below is a picture of the basic trading view:
And here is the advanced version of the trading view:
Cat Exchange Fees
Cat Exchange Trading fees
This exchange has a flat fee and its amount is 0.10%. 0.10% is substantially below the historical global industry average, being 0.25%. However, we are currently seeing a shift towards lower trading fees in the industry (0.10%-0.15%). Regardless of whether you compare the trading fees with the historical or more current trading fee averages, the fees charged by this exchange are at least not above industry average.
Cat Exchange Withdrawal fees
This trading platform charges a withdrawal fee amounting to 0.0005 BTC when you withdraw BTC. This is substantially below the industry average, as the industry average is 0.000812 BTC per BTC-withdrawal. This exchange’s withdrawal fees are thus roughly 40% lower than industry average.
All in all, the fees at Cat Exchange are competitive.
Deposit Methods
This exchange does not accept any deposits of fiat currency. This means that new cryptocurrency investors (i.e., investors without any previous holdings of cryptocurrencies) can’t trade here. In order to purchase your first cryptocurrencies, you need a so called entry-level exchange, which is an exchange accepting deposits of fiat currency. Find one by using our Exchange Finder!