Published 3년 전 • 5 minute read

Watch the Money - Finance Themed YouTube Channels You Should Follow

Financial literacy is something that I personally believe to be quite lacking in most people (myself included), but often knowing where to turn for the right information or where to find the right resources to acquire that knowledge can be hard enough on its own.

I’m far from being anywhere near confidently learned enough in the field of economics, but I am slowly learning. And while scanning YouTube for monetary advice is like using Wikipedia as a source for citations, there are some Channels that can aid with keeping your money safe, helping you amass more of it, and knowing how to spend it.


Stephen, AKA Coffeezilla, has gone from a Channel that looks at Gurus in and around the industry selling dreams and courses (which he still does occasionally) to exposing huge frauds and scams, of late related to Coins and “cyber-scams”.

He’s become an internet detective operating from his “10 million dollar studio” and has covered multiple topics around Bitcoin, Altcoins, TikTok Traders, LondonReal, Ponzi Schemes, Pyramid Schemes, MLMs, Entrepreneurship, Stocks, Shares, and Day Trading, to name but a few.

His other Channel CoffeeBreak is a more scripted outlet that has taken a backseat as his ‘Zilla Channel has taken off, but there are still some intriguing videos on there like “The Monkey on Wall Street” and “How to Start a Pyramid Scheme”.

Videos to Check Out:

  • The Save the Kids Token Investigation
  • The Dogecoin Crypto Exchange That Vanished
  • The History of MLMs and How They Bought the US Government

The Plain Bagel

To use the words on his About page, The Plain Bagel makes content around “investing and personal finance educational videos with a hint of economics…”

For someone who knows enough about finance and economics to know there’s a grand canyon of information that is far beyond their grasp, TPB has been a great Channel for me personally to get a clear explanation on specific elements and develop my financial literacy.

Videos to Check Out:

  • Before You Buy a Stock Option - How They Work and Why They’re High Risk
  • Investing in Real Estate Through REITs
  • Investor Beware - The Dangers of Tesla’s Stock

Mike Winnet

A YouTuber and Businessman, Mike Winnet has become known for patented “Contrepreneur” coining and his video(s) related to that.

Mike’s Channel has two sides to it: one side is to be the antithesis to the tsunami of content on YouTube and social media from people claiming to be able to liberate you and everyone you know into financial freedom and get you living that passive income, laptop lifestyle.

The other is to talk candidly about the realities of owning and operating a business (he himself having created and sold his own business before establishing IAM Productions) with fellow business people, discussing topics like how to deal with investors, whether digital currency such as RS gold is a good investment and how to increase your YouTube ad revenue.

Mike also plays a part in another business-related Channel called Pretty Helpful which puts out smaller, digestible content that involves speaking with industry experts about good and bad habits.

Videos to Check Out:

  • The Contrepreneur Formula Exposed Remastered
  • The Dark Side of Business
  • Top 7 Crypto Myths Busted


Marco is more brash and gung-ho than his contemporaries (but by no means less informed or effective) and enjoys an element of undercover work in his videos by putting himself on the frontlines with hidden cameras, getting raw footage to back up the claims in his videos.

Like Coffeezilla, Marco seeks to protect people from entering into Pyramid Schemes after being personally affected by them himself, giving them the correct knowledge to be able to make a clear and informed decision about what they do with their money.

Videos to Check Out:

  • Exposing the Cult: IM Academy
  • Infiltrating a Pyramid Scheme: ACN
  • Infiltrating a Pyramid Scheme: WFG


ColdFusion is a FinTech based Channel run by Dagogo Altraide and does documentary style videos that illuminate some truly intriguing topics, and his production value is absolutely sublime.

Preferable for those with a bit more time to dedicate to videos and want to be enthralled within them due to their naturally longer length, CF’s videos revolve around technology and finance and the historical, cultural, and societal impact they’ve had.

He looks at company downfalls like Worldcom, Atari, and WeWork, emerging tech products like graphene batteries and SpaceX’s future internet dubbed “Starlink”, and stories focused on figures like Jack Dorsey, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Bernie Madoff, Steve Jobs, and Jack Ma.

Videos to Check Out:

  • Satoshi Nakamoto and the Civil War within Bitcoin
  • Reddit vs Wallstreet - GameStop, The Movie
  • The Wild World of NFTs

Joshua Fluke

I’ve only recently discovered Josh Fluke’s Channel, but I’ve quickly become a fan of his direct approach and attitude, and his ability to cut through the BS of the corporate world, encouraging and empowering people to pursue a life of self-sufficiency.

While he’s become more widespread thanks to his videos on “Corporate Cringe” which shines a burningly bright light on the fallacies of the working world, he’s an extremely talented and knowledgeable software developer who himself has created and operated his own business through both determination and necessity.

Now he helps people to do the same with his websites Grindreel and Grindreel Academy that teach people how they can start and properly run their own business. He also offers advice to Freelancers and Entrepreneurs in his videos, and critiques CVs, portfolios and websites to help people improve their chance of getting clients and/or hired by companies.

Videos to Check Out:

  • Why 40 Hour Work Weeks are a Joke
  • The Reality of Jr Developer Jobs
  • Working For Yourself - The Unexpected Realities

Spencer Cornelia

Spencer Cornelia is a similar Channel to Coffeezilla, just with a slightly more serious tone, straightforward approach and a more bare bones production value (not that that diminishes the content in any way).

Spencer is a licensed real estate agent from Nevada who examines online marketing and how it may or may not be untruthful or deceptive, offers advice in real estate investing based on his own experiences, looks at Gurus and their legitimacy, and has a series focusing on musicians, recording artists and athletes from different sports and disciplines to see how they either spent or lost their wealth.

Well Spencer’s style may not be as flashy as others, the wisdom in his words loses no weight because of this. He’s a straight talker who calls out wrong-doing when he sees it, and YouTube needs more people like that.

Videos to Check Out:

  • When HODLING costs you $1.5 Million
  • Quickest Path from $0 to $100k Net Worth
  • Lies & Deceit: The Protein Powder & Supplement Industry



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