Published 1년 전 • 3 minute read

Work Smart, Not Hard: Investments That Pay Off

Starting a business is easy. You just need a good idea and enough funds to create the product and launch it. But what’s next? The hard part is sustaining your startup. Did you know that approximately 20% of startups fail during the first year, and less than 30% survive a decade? Working 16 hours shifts can do the trick until you burn out.

You must take the smart path and invest your funds appropriately. We’ve gathered the essential investments that will pay off and help you sustain your business until it gets enough recognition. Try to set aside funds for each of them for optimal performance.

Business Process Optimization

Does your business need any equipment to optimize the product creation process? Or can you outsource some of the tasks to freelancers? Try to cut costs in the long term if you have enough funds, especially with outsourcing repetitive tasks.

Take your time to create a sound strategy with the details for each step you must take. Don’t just write the steps and figure it out along the way. You need to create a step-by-step guide and delegate the tasks to increase your profits in the long run.


Many businesses take security lightly and pay a harsh price for it. Don’t be one of them. Invest in safety: use end-to-end encrypted password managers and keep your data safeguarded in secure cloud storage. You can browse to find the best solutions with the lowest prices, but read reviews and find out which platforms are the best. Try to balance the investment you can afford with the highest security possible.

Marketing & SEO

There has never been a leading company with lousy marketing. How will the target audience know you exist if you don’t get enough exposure? It would be best to take part in your marketing campaigns. Try to spend some time learning how a successful marketing campaign looks. 

You can create suitable social media accounts for your business. If you’re launching a restaurant or bar, an account on Facebook or Instagram will do best. However, if you’re launching innovative software, you should go for LinkedIn.

Additionally, you must consider optimizing your website for search engines. There are many SEO benefits, starting with better exposure. There are only 10 spots on the first page of google, and your business can take one of them.


Take a look at your competition before you invest in anything. Find out what your competition provides to satisfy customers and what they do not provide. Combine the two, and there’s your golden opportunity! The process isn’t that simple, but it is well worth it.

Providing the best product according to your assumptions and market observations isn’t enough, though. You have to research your target audience and find out what they crave. What’s the one thing they would love to see added to their favorite product?

Skills & Certifications

It’s never too late and too early to improve your skills and become better for your customers. They want the best product, and you’re there to provide it. You must invest in your team members and yourself to do that. For example, web development courses are sure to pay off in today’s world, and marketing classes will be relevant as long as businesses exist. Enroll in courses, get certifications and earn more credibility. That will not only boost your confidence but also help you adapt knowledge in business, proving to your customers that you’re striving to be the best.


To be among the 30% of businesses that survive more than a decade and thrive in success, you must make numerous investments. Having limited funding can make this a tough choice. You may not need to invest in certifications if you have the proper skills. But a good thing is that there’s enough time to gain credibility. Everything else is mandatory for your business’ success.


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