EXCLUSIVE OFFER: If you visit Ivan on Tech Academy using the links in this review, then you get a special offer. The special offer is that you can try the academy for only $1 the first month. Then it renews for $49/m. You can also cancel at any time.
This discount can not be found anywhere else.
Ivan on Tech Academy Review
With over 11,000 students, the Ivan on Tech Academy is one of the largest online universities for blockchain and crypto. Their courses range from introductory courses on Blockchain, Bitcoin, and programming to Smart Contract Programming, Bitcoin Programming and Blockchain Business Masterclass.
With over 100+ hours of on-demand video courses, hundreds of assignments, quizzes, homeworks and also programming challenges, Ivan on Tech Academy offer a complete learning experience found nowhere else.
Regardless if you’re looking to learn to program, build a smart contract or learn about enterprise blockchains this companies’ expert teachers are here to help you every step of the way.
All the students also have access to:
-All our Courses
-Graduation Certification
-Individual Support & Coaching
-Instant access to monthly releases of new courses
-Monthly Livestream Webinars & Q&As
-Access to Student Community
Ivan on Tech Academy – Current Courses (June 2019)
Blockchain & Bitcoin 101 Smart Contract Programming (Ethereum & EOS) Ethereum 101 Ethereum Game Programming Crypto Algo Trading Bitcoin Programming 101 Ethereum Smart Contract Security Blockchain Business Masterclass Lightning Network & Lightning Apps Enjin Game Programming.
Make Money in Crypto Without Risky Investments
Too many people engage in risky investments and speculation when it comes to crypto. The problem is that 90% of traders loose money. Instead of throwing your money away in leverage trading or speculation, focus on acquiring unique skills that will land you a dream job.
The average blockchain developer makes $250k/year, and there is plenty of shortage. Not only when it comes to developers, but also marketers, business developers, event managers, community managers and sales.
The crypto and blockchain industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, with an expected growth of 60% per year. In fact, the blockchain industry will reach a remarkable $7.59 billion in market size by 2024, which means the opportunity to start a blockchain career has never been better.
Special Discount
If you visit Ivan on Tech Academy using the links in this review, then you get a special offer. The special offer is that you can try the academy for only $1 the first month. Then it renews for $49/m. You can also cancel at any time.
This discount cannot be found anywhere else.