Freezer on CakeDeFi: A Compounding Machine for Long-Term HODLers

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Those that actively participate in the world of DeFi investing will be naturally familiar with staking, lending, and liquidity mining. As the core force for generating passive income within DeFi, these services are incredibly popular, and with their high returns, it’s not hard to see why. 


Across the DeFi sphere, users opt-in to liquidity mining and staking in order to gain a fixed APY return on their cryptocurrency. Unlike traditional financial assets, the ability to then have your cryptocurrency work for you to gain money while it sits there is a fantastic way of pushing this medium even further. As DeFi projects need liquidity to run, the ability to continuously show support by providing it is a great option for users.


Going beyond just showing support, many projects offer yearly return percentages that are simply unheard of in the world of traditional finance. Some projects have even offered over 100% APY on their higher-risk assets, demonstrating just how high this system can go. That said, the majority of projects sit around the 6-15% range, allowing users to generate an impressive amount of passive income on their assets.


For quite some time, this has been the go-to system within the world of decentralized finance. Yet, one company is set to shake this all up, offering long-term investment opportunities in return for up to double the potential returns.


In this article, we’ll turn to Cake DeFi’s Freezer, demonstrating how this long-term compounding machine is catching the eyes of major crypto investors.

What is Cake DeFi?

Cake DeFi is a leading DeFi platform, allowing users to put their money to work via different offerings. They provide a range of different services, each with cryptocurrency at its center. Currently, their biggest offerings are:


  • Earn at Cake DeFi - Allows users to generate cash flow from their cryptocurrencies with a return rate of around 10% APY.


  • Borrow at Cake DeFi - Users with a KYC verified account on Cake DeFi can borrow DUSD stablecoins, then convert them into other cryptos for earning or staking potentials.


  • Decentralized Assets - Cake DeFi has dTokens that mimic the prices of the world’s leading centralized ETFs and stocks. With this, users can invest in tokens that mirror their favorite stocks while still remaining in the world of decentralized finance. 


  • Liquidity Mining - Users of Cake DeFi can add funds to a liquidity mining pool, getting a continual return from holding their funds in these liquidity pools.


  • Staking - Locking tokens into nodes will help to verify transactions within a PoS (proof of stake) cryptocurrency system. For doing this, users get a reward while they maintain their currency as a facilitator of this service.


  • Buying Crypto - Users can, of course, buy their favorite cryptos with fiat currencies, exchanging USD or another international currency for certain cryptocurrencies they select.


These investment structures have allowed investors to diversify where they allocate their cryptocurrency, creating a more holistic method of putting their finances into the DeFi sphere. 


Alongside their investment structures, one of the biggest draws of investing with this company is their full transparency. Unlike other DeFi companies in this financial arena, they give users full breakdowns of where their funds are being invested, what returns they can expect, and what projects they’re putting capital into. 


With an impressive commitment to transparency, users trust Cake DeFi with their capital, using this system to make smart investments into crypto and DeFi projects. Cake DeFi also makes the process of learning more about cryptocurrency as easy as possible, including a learning portal on their website, which has lessons around everything a new investor into the world of DeFi would need to know.


This commitment to learning is one of the factors which makes the company so attractive to new investors. Considering that the vast majority of the world is still uncertain of how crypto and DeFi function, the keen movement toward teaching their audience demonstrates great prospects for building a future generation of crypto users.


Alongside their financial offerings, the pillars of education and transparency that they hold have made them a trending business in the world of blockchain.

What is Freezer on Cake DeFi?

Freezer on Cake DeFi takes the main principles of generating passive income with cryptocurrency and revolutionizes them. Cake DeFi offers complete transparency, making it one of the go-to services for investing in cryptocurrency. But, over recent months, they have taken this even further, creating a freezer service that allows users to invest their cryptocurrency for the long run.


Most of the time, crypto liquidity pools collect funds for a fixed period of time. This period can range from a week to a month to even a year. More than a year is typically unheard of, with many people wanting to opt for more of a short-term approach. Without better rewards for increasing the duration of opting into these services, users have always stuck to these shorter periods of time.


Freezer is set to change all that, offering users the ability to invest their cryptocurrency for anywhere between one month and ten years. By locking up funds in the Freezer, users are able to get up to 2x the annual rewards, generating a huge amount of passive income for its client base.


At current rates, the base APY offered for this service with DFI tokens is 20.5%, already generating users an impressive annual return. Yet, Cake DeFi Freezer takes this even further, offering users an incredibly high APY of up to 45.18% over the entire period. This figure allows users to continuously generate a daily passive income from their cryptocurrency, further pushing the bounds of what was thought possible in this field. 


With the potential to invest for a full 120 months, this platform is perfect for those looking to turn their cryptocurrency investments into an ongoing source of income. Compounding cash over time, this structure can lead to huge potential profits if all goes well over the next few years.


This new service has already grabbed the attention of investors within this community, with nearly a third of the total customer assets on the Cake DeFi platform already being invested in the Freezer service. As this trend continues, alongside the high potential rewards, we expect even more customers to begin moving to this long-term service.

Final Thoughts

The world of DeFi investing is an exciting place to be. As the ecosystem as a whole has continually developed, we’ve seen incredible modifications to the offerings of the system. What began as just cryptocurrency has evolved into an active world where users can generate passive income on their investments.


Bringing both utility and potential for the everyday investor to cryptocurrency, DeFi has blossomed into a remarkable world. As DeFi Cake offers further features with the release of its Freezer service, DeFi once again demonstrates its ability to push the bounds and reinvent itself.


If you’re looking for an exciting new, long-term investment opportunity in the DeFi space, then we suggest reading up further on exactly what DeFi Cake’s Freezer has to offer.

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Hassan Maishera

Hassan is a Nigeria-based financial content creator that has invested in many different blockchain projects, including Bitcoin, Ether, Stellar Lumens, Cardano, VeChain and Solana. He currently works as a financial markets and cryptocurrency writer and has contributed to a large number of the leading FX, stock and cryptocurrency blogs in the world.