Indian Railways has partnered with Chaincode Consulting to issue NFT-based tickets for the MahaKumbh Mela festival, a major Hindu pilgrimage that takes place once every 144 years. The tickets will be minted on the Polygon blockchain, chosen for its scalability, low gas fees, and environmental sustainability. This groundbreaking initiative aims to digitize the spiritual journey of millions of travelers, with the NFT tickets available through the NFTtrace platform. About 1.2 million train tickets are booked daily on the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) website, and the NFT-based ticketing system is expected to attract global participants. The MahaKumbh Mela is one of the largest religious gatherings in the world and has been attended by several prominent figures, including actor Richard Gere and the Dalai Lama.
A Digital Milestone for India’s Pilgrimage Traditions
This initiative is a step toward modernizing India's long-standing pilgrimage traditions by integrating cutting-edge technology. The NFT ticketing system provides a secure and transparent way to manage the massive crowds that attend the festival, while also reducing the carbon footprint of traditional ticketing methods. Aishwary Gupta of Polygon Labs emphasized the role of public blockchains in eliminating middlemen and improving efficiency. The collaboration between Indian Railways, Chaincode Consulting, and Polygon Labs highlights the growing use of blockchain technology in large-scale events, offering a glimpse into the future of digital engagement for religious and cultural milestones.