On Tuesday, the Oasis Protocol announced via X that it has launched Blockvote, a newly built platform that allows anyone to run privacy-first polls. The platform allows users to run polls to gather valuable information while setting configurable privacy options and token gating to ensure all respondents' security, confidentiality, and verifiability.
The platform comes with several features, including fully customizable voting systems, it protects voters from coercion or bias, enables gas-free participation, and is tailored for DAOs.
Blockvote allows DAOs to ask the right people the right questions at the right time because everyone does not have the time to think deeply through every aspect of a complex proposal right away. With this inclusive decision-making process, people are familiarized with what will be asked instead of just presenting the final product.
Oasis Network is a decentralized blockchain network built by Oasis Labs that enables secure and private data-sharing and control. ROSE, the native token of the Oasis Network, is down 2% in the last 24 hours and currently trades at $0.12871.