Particle Network Reaches 15 Million Active Wallets Within 12 Months Of Launching It’s Wallet-as-a-Service V2

Twitter icon  •  Published 1년 전 on September 26, 2023  •  Nikolas Sargeant

Within just 12 months of its launch, the number of wallet activations has exceeded 15 million, setting a new record

Particle Network Reaches 15 Million Active Wallets Within 12 Months Of Launching It’s Wallet-as-a-Service V2

Particle Network has achieved a significant milestone with the launch of Wallet-as-a-Service (WaaS) V2. Within just 12 months of its launch, the number of wallet activations has exceeded 15 million, setting a new record.

The wallet reached the 15 million user threshold in just one year. This proves the success of WaaS and the demand for user-friendly web3 onboarding solutions. The integration of WaaS by decentralized applications (dApps) has played a vital role in increasing the number of users.

Over 800 dApps have used Particle Network's product suite in the past year. This has made Particle's web3 wallet available to millions of web3 users. The Wallet-as-a-Service can be accessed through various projects like, Hooked Protocol, ApeX, CyberConnect, and many others.

After the release of WaaS, Particle Network has integrated its Web3 wallet into various layers of the blockchain ecosystem. They have established partnerships with networks like BNB Chain, Linea, Near, Sei, and zkSync. Over 70% of the most active projects on BNB Chain, such as CyberConnect, Hooked Protocol, and SecondLive, have adopted WaaS. Particle Network also has infrastructure partnerships with Biconomy and Certik.

The gaming sector has a high demand for WaaS, making up 60% of all projects. Particle Network's wallet solution allows new users to quickly start in about 20 seconds, compared to several minutes for a traditional web wallet. This has made WaaS the top choice for many gaming companies that are developing in web3.

Particle Network has reached the 15 million wallet threshold. They are now working on developing WaaS V2 to improve privacy, user experience, and transaction efficiency. V2 was designed with future-proofing in mind, making it adaptable to changes in user behavior and blockchain architecture. It follows web3's principles of user sovereignty and composability.

Particle Network's Wallet-as-a-Service V2 is their most advanced consumer product yet. It allows developers to deliver a range of blockchain-based services, including cross-chain solutions. The focus is on eliminating friction to create a smooth user experience that maximizes the potential of decentralized applications (dApps)

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Nikolas Sargeant

Nik is a content and public relations specialist with an ever-growing interest in Crypto. He has been published on several leading Crypto and blockchain based news sites. He is currently based in Spain, but hails from the Pacific Northwest in the US.