Phemex Launches New Soul Pass Promotions

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Cryptocurrency exchange Phemex has launched two new Soul Pass promotions this week.

Cryptocurrency exchange Phemex has launched two new Soul Pass promotions this week. 

Soul Passes allow users to have access to Phemexia, a new initiative from the exchange that promises to combine centralized and decentralized financial tools.

The Soul Pass is a Soul Bound Token (SBT) that serves as a passport to Phemexia, where users will be able to mint xPT, as well as other activities. 

One promotion will give away two Whitelist Spots for the Soul Pass. There are three main details for participation:

  1. Comment on the Twitter thread with a screenshot of your trading activity. The more activity you have, the more chances to win you receive. 

  2. Join their Discord

  3. The promotion period is 5/15 to 5/22

The second promotion is an opportunity for those with a storied history of trading on Phemex. Any investor whose historical trading volume on Phemex reaches $1,000,000 and fills out the form will be eligible for the FAst Pass for the Phemex Soul Pass. 

Phemex is a major cryptocurrency platform and exchange. Based out of Singapore, the exchange is known for its staking services and welcome bonuses. Read more details on how to sign up in our Phemex review. 


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Nikolas Sargeant

Nik is a content and public relations specialist with an ever-growing interest in Crypto. He has been published on several leading Crypto and blockchain based news sites. He is currently based in Spain, but hails from the Pacific Northwest in the US.