Phemex Pulse Announces Major Updates: Introducing Community Moderators and Collaborative Filtering Cast

Twitter icon  •  Published há 3 meses  •  Nikolas Sargeant

Pulse, a leading social trading function that is part of Phemex’s Web 3.0 network, is making important changes to improve how the community interacts and manages content.

Pulse, a leading social trading function that is part of Phemex’s Web 3.0 network, is making important changes to improve how the community interacts and manages content. Pulse will be adding new positions for group moderators and they are bringing in the Collaborative Filtering Cast.

These new changes give asPulse Service Provider (PSP) members the power to manage the community themselves, making it a lively and interesting place. Also, PSP members are now able to help choose content, making sure it is useful and of good quality.

With these changes, Pulse is going to stop using the PT rewards system at 00:00 UTC on May 17th. It's the start of a new section for our platform that wants to make ac an experience where users get more involved.

Besides these changes, Pulse is getting ready to take a big step forward by going on-chain and introducing its special token. This progress should change Pulse into an exceptional platform for community involvement and new ideas.

Benefits of Becoming a Moderator

On Pulse, moderators can control the discussions by removing messages and quieting or banning users in Live Chat to keep conversations respectful and organized. Yet, their power to moderate is restricted only to user interactions; they cannot use these privileges for managing CAST. Moderators will also receive rewards based on group size and positive performance evaluations.

About PhemexPulse

PhemexPulse is a social trading tool made for easy integration with the Phemex Web 3.0 environment. It seeks to unite the cryptocurrency community more closely by giving traders a chance to earn from their online presence. PhemexPulse aims to be the central hub of social activity in cryptocurrency by encouraging a system where people can communicate and work together. You can read more about this innovative exchange in our full Phemex review.

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Nikolas Sargeant

Nik is a content and public relations specialist with an ever-growing interest in Crypto. He has been published on several leading Crypto and blockchain based news sites. He is currently based in Spain, but hails from the Pacific Northwest in the US.