Planet IX: Innovative Play-To-Earn Strategy Gaming

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Planet IX is one of these games which allows gamers to indulge in a unique world where players are dedicated to sustainability and creating a greener future for our planet

Blockchain technology has revolutionized gaming. The development of decentralized applications and the metaverse has created many GameFi opportunities. Web3 gaming allows players to enjoy the deep immersion and fast-action pace of gaming while earning tokens that offer real-world value in the market. 

Immersive Quality GameFi Platform

Planet IX is one of these games which allows gamers to indulge in a unique world where players are dedicated to sustainability and creating a greener future for our planet. The development team has worked hard at building the metaverse, where players will restore and evolve their land. 

The development team has worked hard to create a unique platform that moves away from a traditional point-and-click game. With a focus on competition and collaboration, gamers will form alliances and accumulate virtual land to generate rewards and get paid in the game’s utility IX token. 

Through sophisticated technology and the dedication to providing an exciting game, Planet IX has already seen considerable growth in the number of players. With an array of incentives, players can earn IX by staking, building, and dedicating themselves to the development of their land. 

The game is built on the Polygon network and the energy-efficient Proof-of-Stake (PoS) protocol. On top of that, a large amount of the game’s revenue will be put towards companies that bring a lasting and positive change to the real world’s environment. Find out more by reading the Planet IX white paper

Planet IX NFTs

Through the implementation of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), the platform promotes and empowers decentralization, as well as incentivizes community engagement. All the assets are held as NFT tokens, with the goal of players making strategic moves to develop their land further. 

The world comprises around 1.7 billion land parcels called PIX, representing NFTs in the Planet IX metaverse. While a vast amount of PIX is currently in circulation, as the game evolves, the number will deflate. Once users reach a set amount of clustered PIX, they can merge their PIXs and create a Territory. 

Overall the game mechanics are relatively straightforward, though the game will continue to evolve as the world and player base grows. One of the aims is to create a compelling story that connects players' imaginations to the world, much as many successful games, like Eve Online and World of Warcraft, have done in the past. 

Planet IX's Unique Architecture 

The storyline will be unveiled in chapters, each offering a new collection of NFTs. With every new chapter, the game will focus on promoting the sustainability of the actual planet and hopefully make the wider world aware of the impact of human activity on earth.

To celebrate the release of every chapter, there will be mini-games offering rewards. On top of that, Easter Eggs will be scattered in secret places throughout the metaverse and some 1155 landmarks NFTs and Territories, including 721 with relics. These landmarks replicate cultural and historical parcels of land. Landmark NFT PIX gives players rewards generated from trades, as well as upgrading players’ collective efforts in the game. 

Players are encouraged to deploy strategies to take control of geographical grid layers. The more a player places PIXs in the proximity of another player, the higher chance they’ll have to mint new NFTs on the platform as a reward. Each PIX block is a part of the driving architecture in the game.  

The development of alliances and allegiances with other players will help them to earn PIX Territories and to claim PIX token rewards. Gamers can also find legendary PIXs, which are found in the capital cities. Then after that, there are rare, uncommon, and common PIXs. 

The Planet IX DAO

The game’s decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) allows gamers to take a more profound interest in the platform by voting on how the game should be run. The DAO is built with smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, where players can make decisions related to the governance and daily running of the game. 

Voting rights are granted through consensus algorithms, allowing stakeholders to decide how to spend the game’s profits and what future events should be held on Planet IX. The DAO has a treasury that oversees the game’s funds, focusing on supporting developers and artists, and like-minded projects in the game’s metaverse. 

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Nikolas Sargeant

Nik is a content and public relations specialist with an ever-growing interest in Crypto. He has been published on several leading Crypto and blockchain based news sites. He is currently based in Spain, but hails from the Pacific Northwest in the US.