On Friday, the Pyth Network announced via X that the Pyth Price Feeds has now launched on the Story Protocol. Story is a layer-1 blockchain purpose-built for intellectual property (IP). It tokenizes everything from ideas and images to real-world assets, AI models, and beyond, embedding usage terms, attribution, and royalties directly on-chain. Story is introducing a new asset class,
With Pyth’s 600+ low-latency price feeds now available on Story Protocol, builders can now build the next generation of financial applications and leverage Story’s features around IP and tokenization. Early users include Woo Finance, Satori, and Orderly Network.
Pyth Network is an innovative decentralized oracle that sources financial market data from over 90 first-party publishers, including major exchanges and market-making firms worldwide. PYTH is down 10.5% in the last 24 hours and trades at $0.3123 per coin.