On Friday, the Ronin Network announced via X that it has partnered with Virtuals Protocol to launch its AI Agent. AI Agents are more than computer programs that mimic human consciousness: they can be personalities on social media and market participants onchain.
The Virtuals protocol enables anyone to create AI agents in less than five minutes. Ronin Network has launched its AI agent, the $JAIHOZ Token. The AI Agent has been trained to embody Jihoz’s spirit but with more freedom and less responsibility. Jihoz is the co-founder of Sky Mavis.
His token is $JAIHOZ, and the supply is split 50/50 between the Base and Ronin blockchains. To kick off the experiment, Ronin Network also airdropped some $JAIHOZ tokens to select community members.
Ronin Wallet is the crypto wallet developed for Axie Infinity. It operates on the Ronin blockchain, which works as a sidechain on the Ethereum network. The Ronin network makes it much cheaper to trade and breed Axies and greatly reduces the costs of playing Axie Infinity. RONIN is down 4.5% and currently trades at $1.777 per coin.