Sonic Labs, previously known as the Fantom Foundation, announced via X on Wednesday that it has partnered with Gelato, a roll-up-as-a-service platform. Gelato will be available on Sonic at launch, bringing a suite of Web3 services to Sonic, matching the lightning-fast speed with supersonic UX.
Gelato Functions lets developers automate smart contract tasks, react to off/on-chain events, and access off-chain data/APIs, offering users features like DeFi limit orders. Gelato Relay lets developers create gasless apps and allows users to cover gas fees with any ERC-20 token, enabling protocols to deliver Web2-like user experiences.
Furthermore, Gelato VRF provides fast, verifiable on-chain randomness for fair reward distribution, such as fair sweepstakes and on-chain casinos.
Fantom is building a programmable platform on a directed acyclic-graph-based distributed ledger. Its FTM coin is down 2% in the last 24 hours and is currently trading at $0.4260.