Published hace 4 meses • 4 minute read

3 Strong Crypto Communities Worth Joining

There are many reasons to become involved with a crypto project. These typically involve one of the three T’s: because you like the team, tech, or token. But have you ever begun supporting a project on account of the C? That’s right – community. 

While hard to define, because it has no shape or formal leadership, community is often referred to as the lifeblood of every successful crypto project. While it’s taken for granted that strong communities form around strong crypto projects, such strength is not evenly distributed. Often, the most fun you can have in crypto comes from vibing with smaller communities that, pound for pound, can deliver more fun, engagement, learning, and solidarity than projects twice their size. 

The following three crypto projects meet that description, combining the serious business of blockchain with the less serious business of riffing over crypto culture and putting the fun in fundamental analysis.


COTI is an EVM L2 solving for one of the biggest challenges in web3: privacy. It achieves this using Garbled Circuits, a technology purportedly 1000x faster and 250x lighter than existing privacy solutions such as ZK proofs. COTI’s L2 allows sensitive data to be transmitted on a public chain without exposing it for all the world to see. And because it’s powered by the EVM, developers can utilize their existing skills and tooling to create dapps with powerful privacy features built in.

But enough about the tech. What is it about the community that makes COTI so irresistible? Well for one thing, its team understands that tech alone won’t fuel a successful L2: attracting users and giving them incentives to stick around are equally important. This can be seen in initiatives such as the COTI Creators Program which forms one of the largest privacy-oriented growth funds in the Ethereum ecosystem.

$50M of COTI tokens have been allocated to the program which rewards community members who are interested in content creation and other activities that will help to spread the word and bring more users onboard. Whereas most growth funds are targeted at a narrow subset of users with highly specific skills, COTI’s fund rewards content ranging from explainer videos to infographics and Discord/Telegram bots. 

There’s even scope for users who participate in translation and localization, ensuring that most community members have a skill they can supply. Aside from the serious business of spurring ecosystem growth, COTI’s Twitter and Telegram are adroitly run, with a good mix of education, engagement, and opportunities for the community to get involved and make themselves heard.


There’s a fine line between a crypto community and a crypto cult. While EOS supporters fall into the former camp, there’s no denying that they relish their outsider status. This perception of being positioned on the fringes of the EVM ecosystem has resulted in the EOS community being more loyal, tightknit, and highly engaged than perhaps any other crypto tribe.

One of the best things about EOS is that its ecosystem isn’t run in a top-down manner characteristic of most blockchains: it really does operate from the ground up, with key participants, such as Block Producers and stakers, given the opportunity to make their voices heard. Changes are implemented following consultation rather than through diktat, making EOS truer to the decentralized and open spirit of blockchain than most.

It’s no coincidence that the first menu link on the EOS site is ‘Community.’ As the community section explains, “Community involvement is at the core of our approach to network governance.” For crypto users who feel that they’re just a small fish in a giant ocean and incapable of making a difference, EOS would beg to differ. It’s that rare thing: a blockchain network where everyone is treated equally and every voice is heard.


Cielo is the leading onchain tracking service, providing a web app, Telegram and Discord bots, and a host of dashboards for following smart money and watching whales. It provides onchain alerts for over 25 chains including EVMs, Bitcoin, and Solana. With around 100,000 active users tracking and labeling millions of wallets, Cielo is at the heart of onchain discovery.

Its community is as impressive as its tech. Perhaps because there’s no native token to fuss over, users are free to focus on sharing tips and generating the best alpha. Cielo users can share public lists containing themed wallets, including their Twitter handle to boost their social following, while a dedicated community channel on Telegram allows tips and top wallets to be shared.

Despite being ostensibly different projects addressing specific web3 challenges, COTI, EOS, and Cielo have this much in common: they’ve mastered the art of community building and are all the stronger for it.



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