bitINKA Wallet Logo
Wallet Review
This wallet has been flagged as inactive. There are many reasons for being flagged as inactive. We recommend you read the text below to understand why bitINKA Wallet has received the inactive flag.

bitINKA Wallet


Dina nycklar förvaras hos tredje part med enkel tillgång till dem • Medium anonymitet • Lätt att använda


Yes Köp & Sälj No Vouchers & Presentkort No Kryptokort



Kryptos (4)

UPDATE 18 January 2021: We have decided to clean up our Cryptocurrency Wallet List. In line with that ambition, we have removed all cryptocurrency wallets that you automatically receive/create when opening up an account with a specific cryptocurrency exchange from the list. BitINKA Wallet is one of those wallets. We kindly ask you to visit BitINKA instead for a more detailed review on BitINKA's offering.

To find a secure wallet not connected to an exchange, please refer to our Cryptocurrency Wallet List.