Bonpay Wallet Logo
This wallet has been flagged as inactive. There are many reasons for being flagged as inactive. We recommend you read the text below to understand why Bonpay Wallet has received the inactive flag.

Bonpay Wallet


Suas chaves privadas são armazenadas por um terceiro com fácil acesso a elas • Anonimato baixo • Suas chaves privadas são armazenadas por um terceiro com fácil acesso a elas


No Comprar e Vender No Vouchers e Cartões de Presente Yes Cartão de Débito

Plataformas Suportadas


Criptos Suportadas (1)

UPDATE 19 January 2021: This crypto wallet is no longer operational. In fact, when trying to access the website previously held by the company behind the wallet (, we are met with information that the domain name is for sale. The wallet is thus missing in action (MIA). 

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