Published 4 years ago • 2 minute read

Which Cryptocurrency Wallet Is the Safest for Your Assets?

You know that there are a lot of scammers in the crypto market, and they are waiting to steal your money. That is why it is very important to know the difference between every type of service, so you will be able to choose everything properly. 

Today we want to tell you about the popular types of cryptocurrency wallets, so you will be able to choose the best crypto wallet for your needs and wishes.

To start with, I need to tell you that there are hardware, online, mobile, desktop, and paper wallets. All of them have different features and levels of security. 

Mobile Wallets

I decided to start with this type of wallet because they are very popular among newcomers.

As you understand, you need to download this wallet to your mobile phone absolutely for free. There are custodial and non-custodial mobile wallets. It is better to choose the custodial wallet because it doesn’t store your private data on its servers. 

They are very convenient in use but their security level is, of course, not the best because they are available only when you have access to the Internet. 

Online Wallets 

Online wallets are actually the same as the mobile ones but you can download them to the laptop as well.

They are vulnerable to hack attacks as well. 

As I told you before, you can use those wallets everywhere with the Internet connection.

They allow you to send crypto via email or phone number, and to set notifications as well. 

Desktop Wallets

This type of wallet is one of the safest.

The only thing you need to have is a lot of space on your PC. And, desktop wallets are not for newcomers for sure.

As you understand, you are able to use these wallets on your PC only, and the Internet connection is not important here. 

Paper Wallets 


They are not very popular but they exist. 

If you want to have the paper wallet, you will receive the common piece of sheet with printed keys, wallet address, and QR-code. 

Of course, they will be very secure if you store them in a safe place. 

Hardware Wallet 

And the icing on the cake is the safest type of wallet. 

To own this wallet, you need to buy it, and this is the only type of crypto wallets that are not free. 

The hardware wallet is like a small flash drive that is going to store all your data and only you will have access to it. 

Final Words

Today we discussed one of the most important parts of crypto trading or holding - crypto trading wallets. 

It is very important to choose the legit wallet to be sure your money is safely stored. That is why you need to use only approved services and read all the possible reviews in the wallet you are going to use. 

I advise you to use official wallets like Trezor, Bitcoin Wallet, Coinbase Bitcoin Wallet,, etc.

I wish you safe earnings!


This article is written by Andreas Schmidt.



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Jane Smith Avatar

Jane Smith

4 years ago

This is great post. Thanks